In the northwest corner of the building, overlooking the entrance, lies the spartan luxury of the Evangeline Room, a bedroom chamber with minimalist tendencies. Every surface is a variant of purest white
cream and eggshell, vanilla and snow
even the sunset facing bay window is arrayed with ivory cushions, and festooned with gauze panels of the most sheer gossamer milk to match the wash of the hardwood floors.
Along one wall is a row of closets, their knobs barely visible against the doors but for the fact that they shine with lacquer, and nestled up beside the window is a bed so high that it requires a stepping stool to reach its downy comforts
. white sheets, white headboard and cushions
lanterns glowing frosted white and arching over either side of the bed
summertime resplendence, and even the wintry draft turns warm when it enters this place
Cut into the south wall of the room is a single window, carved in the shape of a diamond and providing a view of the courtyard far below