Ruins. NEW

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  He's His Father's Son
  A Study in WhiteMdNgt
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  And YOU missed it..
  "I know pain."
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  Can I Get A Witness
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"I know pain." - July, 1997
Blood Red Rose, Baghiira, DecayAngel, SteelHelix, and the whole MorCon gang

Subject: ::looks around quietly::
From: (SteelHelix)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 12:32:50 EDT

::a man wearing a long white cloak with the hood covering his face walks in:: I am looking to join the Consortium... I am Johnathen Cameron... I have "spoken" with Azrael Rai...

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (JenksRai)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 12:42:38 EDT

::tilts her head in slight curiousity to the man, from her place against the Wall:: Hell I've spoken with Az lots of times, but I never got anything out of it. ::laughs softly::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Dcembrhigh)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 13:21:56 EDT

::smiles to Cam, walking out to go to the garage:: well hey stranger

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (AkumuMoon)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 13:58:25 EDT

::glances in, as always, on her way to see Dece...sighs faintly, seeing Cam's joining the MorCon::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (BIdRedRose)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 16:10:28 EDT


Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 17:51:36 EDT

::watches from the side:: Hello, John. It's good to see you again.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (SteelHelix)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 18:13:58 EDT

::sees that everyone is looking at him:: Hi... ::kisses Alex on her way by::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Baghiira)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 19:34:29 EDT

::sidles on up next to Rose... glances at the hullabaloo::

Um... ::quirks a brow at the guy in vain attempts to bring him into focus.. squints, rubs her eyes:: I think th' boss-lady said "no." In fact, I distinctly heard her say it... :::blinks groggily at Rose:: I did, didn't I?

:::snickers, shrugs and leans against Rose:: So ah... what're ya still doin' here, bub?

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (BIdRedRose)
Date: Tue,29 Jul 97 19:56:25 EDT


Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Dcembrhigh)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 00:12:10 EDT

::grins to Alex, waves to Cam::ta da Alex...are you thrilled to see me?

Subject: The Exhibition...
From: (DecayAngel)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 02:49:35 EDT

~~A manifestation of boiling, tempest-like shadow coils about behind the striking figures of both Mistresses. With each passing moment it becomes more life-like - more human - in its posturing, head inclined, hands at his hips. His eyes tainted paper mache by a meaningless addiction smolder, edged with wires of hurt. Tendrils of charcoal bleed down his pale face and neck, failing down to his chiseled abdomen.

His being screams atrocity, thin and too-long fingers fluttering at leather clad hips. The drug becons. Deployed with in his grasp are both of his cruel blades, leather-wrapepd hilts extending past his fore arms as he grips near the short, fiercely curved and serated blades.~~

<qw> Do you desire the husk opposite dismantled, Mistress?

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 03:41:30 EDT

::eyes widen in surprise:: What the....?

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (NothingLS)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 12:28:01 EDT

::bright, glittering waif eyes stare out of the shadows at the assemblage, knowing several from the girl's mind, the one in their midst....suffering pain, bloody existance as he looks at the one known as DecayAngel, or so he one he knew so long ago...::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (SteelHelix)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 16:04:52 EDT

::holds up his hands quickly, showing that he's unarmed (for the moment):: Hey! I just want a job, not to be forced into a possition where I might have to hurt someone... yet...

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 16:55:08 EDT

::walks over and hands John an application:: I know we've had our differences in the past, and you still might dislike me, but I would be glad to have you here, Cameron.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (BIdRedRose)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 17:54:45 EDT

::snatches the application right back:: Did I stutter?

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (KayleighX)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 18:52:17 EDT

::looks at the application in BldRed's hands:: Um... is there something going on here? ::waves to Dece::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (BIdRedRose)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 20:20:15 EDT

::as the figure of Kalas emerges from the shadows, the corners of her lips tug upward, in a malevolent grin, directed at no one, but speaking of the roiling dark pleasures within as, at last, she hears something worthy of more than a cursory response::

<sw> No, Kalas... we'll save him for later... maybe a midnight snack...

I have grown weary... ::the cadence of her words as ponderously slow and drawn out as the pace of her turn, as she swivels to face the assemblage:: ... weary of the uninvited who would enter this estate without a word of notice.. without one iota of respect for the inhabitants of this house... only to request... no, *demand*... ::the rosy flush of anger rising to her cheeks with each successive syllable:: ... that they be allowed entry into our most private sanctums... you may not be the only transgressor, Mister Cameron, but you are the one who has drawn the lucky lottery number, so to speak... you win the jackpot... you get to hear the speech...

::she inhales deeply, the swell of her chest rising, even as the color ebbs away, leaving her a sculpture of alabaster and ice once more::

You will find, Mister Cameron... ::slipping into her most saccharine smile:: ... that, as in most walks of life, rudeness will be met with rudeness... threat with threat... and violence with corresponding violence...

I've yet to see one iota of respect from you... and until I do... ::her voice suddenly taking on a breezy, cavalier timbre:: ... the answer remains...


::and with a meaningful glance, a pair of startling twin emeralds slide towards Kalas, and she holds his need at bay, for the moment, with the commands etched in her eyes::

Subject: Minute of Decay
From: (DecayAngel)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 20:25:44 EDT


~~His head swivels, tendons straining visibly beneath a canvas of pale flesh. Soft, razorblade breaths are taken and given, taken and given-so very like Revenge. His hollow eyes are edged with pain. Edged with decay. His doll face-like the rest of his figure-is seemingly carved of shadow and stone. He is pinnioned to the earth, nine inch nails molding and piercing his flesh... if only they could see. His weapons are held fast, dangling at his leather-clad hips.~~

<w> Mistress, this husk would feast us on covert insults. He thinks he knows Pain.

::His voice drops to a whisper dripping with malice, his stance teetering between the kill and his much-loved Mistress. It takes little more than a single ounce of thought to choose the latter, though he remains as he stands...obedient...::

<vqw> I know pain.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 21:13:30 EDT

::watches Rose walk away, a flash of respect and appraisal on his face, then he shrugs:: Sorry, John.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (SteelHelix)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 21:36:18 EDT

::reaches down and grabs the hilt of his claymore:: aye... I know pain... pain worse then you have ever felt... and December can vouch for me... ::winks, implicating Greylin::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Baghiira)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 22:59:07 EDT

::sighs, shakes her head... looking from Rose.. to Kalas... to this Cameron person::

Um.. luv? I think th' boss-lady here jus' told ya t' leave... 's generally a good idea t' do what she says, by th' way... ::smirks:: An' that piece o' advice is yers fer free... so.. ah.. take a hint, luv.. Yer welcome -- questionable as it was -- has been worn out.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (LrdDrayven)
Date: Wed,30 Jul 97 23:10:51 EDT

::Rolls his eyes:: Let's just hand out applications to everyone we know.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 02:30:24 EDT

::looks to Dray:: John did a lot more to free Dece from Kain Locke then did anyone here at the Consortium, my old friend. I owe him a lot.

::looks to Cameron:: >>The pain with Kain Locke?<<

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (DecayAngel)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 03:22:48 EDT

::As is always the case, creativity is lost in the hands of dehydrated thought. Hollow, seemingly annoyed eyes reguard the husk known as Steel Helix.::

<w> One would suggest we permanently ignore this one, Mistress. He bores me.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (AkumuMoon)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 11:14:59 EDT

::is just watching this silently, not wanting any part of it::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (NothingLS)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 11:21:36 EDT

::once more, he watchs the one who works for Blood, before scanning empty mirrors over SteelHelix's form:: Mmmm....perhaps later I should introduce him to my own brand of pleasure...::smiles sweetly to himself, sharpened rows of teeth gleaming::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Dcembrhigh)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 12:23:20 EDT

::::breathes deeply, seemingly unable to rid herself of her images of Kain and all that happened. Nods lightly to Cam:: I'll see you guys later.....::turns, walking out::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 16:36:39 EDT

::growls at Nothing:: You are one of the people my boss, Rose, spoke of. You are not wanted, nor needed here.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (BIdRedRose)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 16:57:42 EDT

::lifts gloved fingertips to pinch the bridge of her nose, in a gesture of annoyance that this semblance of a discussion has continued *this* far::

::inhales deeply... counts to ten::

::then, flinging her hand out to the side with a sharp snap of her wrist, and with a tone as level and clear as tepid water in a Waterford tumbler:: I said no. I meant no.

And incidentally, Renfield, I *did* offer to help you... you turned my offer down...

::suddenly *really* drained by the thickness of mediocrity in the air, she simply turns to Kalas with a twitching half-smile and loops an arm through his, melding her luster with his shadows:: You're entirely right... my energies are better expended elsewhere...

Subject: Escort
From: (DecayAngel)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 18:30:42 EDT


His head inclines, tendrils of charcoal flailing...bleeding. His Mistress secure, his interests will no longer lay with this crowd, save the husk called Nothing, whom has pricked his interest. Hollow, paper mache tainted eyes stare correctly foreward in the direction of travel, lined with wires of white hot pain and screaming addiction.Thin lips painted a taint of souless black part in soft exhale, his Mistress's presence and touch soothing the ache.

His Mistress is well. All that matters.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (NothingLS)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 19:40:31 EDT

::looks at this "Renfield" person with faint disdain, and teen arrogance:: I'm simply passing through...don't get so freakin' uptight. ::smirks, dropping his silly guise, fingers, as always, flipping the heavy silver doubloon...::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Baghiira)
Date: Thu,31 Jul 97 20:25:04 EDT

:::The smooth arch of a dark brow over golden-green... a shrug, and the groggy one turns to walk away. Pausing, she glances back over her shoulder, her tone piercing::

You.. and you.. :::her stern glare turning from SteelHelix to Nothing Lost Souls:: Have both been invited to leave the premises. Do so.

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (Renfield80)
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 97 01:59:44 EDT

::looks to Rose with a look of confusion:: What?

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (NothingLS)
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 97 20:03:55 EDT

Boy...your Welcome Wagon is *so* wonderful, how *do* you attract so many people? ::snickers, flicking a cute gesture at the two "kind" people as he walks off through the halls::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (BIdRedRose)
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 97 01:25:03 EDT

::isn't kind in the least... and certainly never promised a Welcome Wagon::

Subject: Re:::looks around quietly::
From: (NothingLS)
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 97 11:54:15 EDT

::was being sarcastic....knows she isn't kind in the least from one of his fraternal twin names..smirk::