Ruins. NEW

  A New Day Dawns
  He's His Father's Son
  A Study in WhiteMdNgt
  Stepping Down.
  A Night at the Emporium.
  Late Night Delivery
  And YOU missed it..
  "I know pain."
  Dawn's Arrival
  The Angels
    »The Becoming
  Roses As A Gift
  Crucifixion of a Prophet
  The Uncrating
  from "A Study in Roses"
  Hesitant Visit
  A stroll around the Estate
  Shadow Phone
  The story related...
  Can I Get A Witness
  A sister remembered.


Late Night Delivery - June, 1997
Nokturnulz, Blood Red Rose, White Midnight, Renfield, Drayven Azael

Subj: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 01:34:22 EDT
From: Nokturnulz

It is a dark night. One full of noises, creatures of the night. One noise is the noise of swinging. A figure of a woman, swinging over the door mantel, an unconscious form. She is hanging due to a red ribbon, the wire inside wrapping tightly over the slave. It wraps her feet first, her head bobbing near the ground. It then ties off around her waist and over her arms. The Blood Red Ribbon contains the woman, but there is no need since the woman is not awake, and will not be for a while.

Blood dribbles from her chin and broken nose, and almost pours from the gashes in her back. It trickles onto the steps and over a small note that is pinned into her wrist. The note is in horrible handwriting, but can be roughly read as this:

Rose -

I like yer offer the best. Here she is, all wrapped up and no where to go. Hope the MorCon enjoys my gift of White Midnight. Have fun and be sure to give me my collar back. You gotta let me visit though......


Below the signature is the color combination to the lock of his collar. Red eyes can be seen leaving the manor, and escaping into the night.

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 03:47:26 EDT
From: Renfield80

::growls as he sees Nok leave the Estate. Would spit, but then that would be an offense to the earth::

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 04:16:34 EDT
From: LrdDrayven

He stands near the main hallway, eyeing the "gift" of Nok. He crosses his arms over his chest, knowing full well the story of White ... of Church. Although he wasn't present to see it the first time he notices mixed emotions strolling through the eye of his mind as he takes in her battered form.

He decides on a course of action for the "gift", but will deal with it all with a nice, hearty dose of patience, as his holds gaze upon White, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 08:55:13 EDT
From: DthDivine

::She walks over, looking on the weakly-struggling form with thinly veiled amusement:: Aah, Nok and his winning ways with women...

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 09:08:13 EDT
From: Noelllee

::remembers also the story of White and Church, having witnessed part of it. She just stands there against the wall watching, so unaccustomed to her newfound freedom, wanting to help White, but knowing that there is no way that she would be able to. She stands there clenching and unclenching her fists, recalling how she was not allowed to help the last time either. Realizing now why so many of the MorCon do not become friends with the slaves. She wipes a blood tear and turns walking slowly away::

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 09:44:08 EDT
From: BldRdRoseV

::as the last blessed fingers of darkness are dropping out of the sky, nudged away by an eager morning sun, Rose slips into the main hall, having received word of a gift awaiting her there ... clicking eagerly down the stone corridor, trailed by a few of her muscle boys, she draws herself up before the dangling, familiar figure of White, suspended from the mantel above her office door... She pauses there a moment, arms crossed over her chest, a grin laced with wicked intent curving the corners of her lips::

::crouching before the figure, she extends a gloved fingertip into the pool of congealing blood that has formed below the pendulant slave... lifts the finger to her lips, gives a cursory sniff, and then flicks out her tongue for a taste of the coppery fluid::

::emerald eyes, blank and emotionless, roam over the girl's figure ... wit a rough tug, Rose rips the crudely penned note from her wrist, sending the pin skittering across the floor ... recognizing the vulgar scrawl, pleasure lights her eyes once more ... she stands with one swift, fluid motion and calls to her boys::

"Remove her and take her to the Emporium. She's to stay bound until I get there. Put her in the rack and make sure that Rudolf and Gregor aren't too well fed..."

::she watches in contemplative, serene silence as her orders are carried out ... a hiss of pleasure escapes her lips, and a venomously sweet purr::

"I should just leave you to swing outside the front hall ... a sun-catcher, so to speak ... would you like that?"

::then, speaking to no one in particular, but directing her words at the unconscious slave as she is carried away, she lowers her voice to a barely audible whisper::

"<sw> You see, I do remember what you did to Church... "

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 09:52:01 EDT
From: BldRdRoseV

::as White disappears down into the inky shadows of the long, winding corridor, slung over the muscular back of one of her boys, Rose turns her attention to the letter ... tugging a key, by a chain, from her cleavage, she absently unbolts the door and slips inside, locking it behind her again, her eyes scrutinizing the handwriting, trying desperately to make out the words::

::from inside the office can be heard a few muffled mutterings::

"<q> What the...? All right, I guess that says 'offer' ... but is that 'gift'? ... no, no, it must be 'sift' ... surely he must intend to be paid ..."

::she makes a mental note to send a missive to her banker, and have a draft drawn up immediately, for payment to Nokturnulz::

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 16:23:40 EDT
From: WhiteMdNgt

::A muffled groan comes from the limp woman as she is thrown roughly across the well-muscled surface of someone's shoulder, the pressure on her bruised stomach and cracked ribs nearly unbearable, dragging her out of the blackness. As she starts to slip back towards consciousness, she winces as the screaming of her body threatens to deafen her or drive her insane. The torn muscles of her back burning, her nose and lips and cheeks a dull, aching, throbbing pain ... it's amazing what a steel-toed boot can do to one's face::

::Words echo in her head, picked up by her subconscious and reverberating through her head ... words ... and a name ... a sudden, nauseating feeling of dread sweeps over her as the slight bouncing and excruciating pain claw her back into unconsciousness::

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 19:41:04 EDT
From: Renfield80

::drops off of a rafter to land in a crouch before Rose::

Rose, what is this? ::gestures at White:: Why is she being treated in this way?

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 20:26:04 EDT
From: BldRdRoseV

::is, uhm, already inside her office::

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-13 20:35:34 EDT
From: BldRdRoseV

::but hears his question anyway and pokes her head out::

"Perhaps you should ask her former owner about that. I haven't done a thing to her except to have her taken somewhere where she can be cleaned up and made presentable..."

::ducks back inside and goes back to muttering behind her closed office door::

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-14 03:09:15 EDT
From: Renfield80

::eyes flare:: Is Nok her owner?

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-14 02:41:21 EDT
From: BldRdRoseV

::a muffled shout is heard from behind her office door:: "Not anymore!"

Subj: Re: Late Night Delivery
Date: 97-06-14 05:14:35 EDT
From: LrdDravenX

::Another muffled sound, this one a cheer, emits from somewhere::